El Director de la Unidad de Ingeniería Vial ha realizado múltiples publicaciones en revistas internacionales indexadas, así como numerosas intervenciones en congresos a nivel nacional y en el extranjero.
* Autor de correspondencia
- Nalbandian K., Carpio, M., and González, A.* (2021), Analysis of the scientific evolution of self-healing asphalt pavements: toward sustainable road materials, Journal of Cleaner Production, April 2021. DOI: 10.1016/J.JCLEPRO.2021.126107
- González A.*, Norambuena-Contreras J., Poulikakos L., Varela M.J., Valderrama J., Flisch A. and Arraigada, M. (2020), Evaluation of asphalt mixtures containing metallic Fibers from recycled tires to promote crack-healing, Materials. DOI: 10.3390/MA13245731
- Carpio M.*, González A., González M., and Verichev, K. (2020), Influence of pavements on the urban heat island phenomenon: A scientific evolution analysis, Energy and Buildings, November 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110379.
- González A.*, Parraguez A., Corvalán L., Correa N., Castro J., Stuckrath C., González M. (2020), Evaluation of Portland and Pozzolanic cement on the self-healing of mortars with calcium lactate and bacteria, Construction and Building Materials, DOI: 10.1016/J.CONBUILDMAT.2020.119558
- Osorio A.*, Chamorro A., González A. (2020), Analysis of Roughness Performance of Chloride-stabilised Rural Roads, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Fbruary 2020, DOI: 10.1080/10298436.2020.1721496
- González A.*, Aitken, D., Heitzer C., Lopez, C., Gonzalez, M. (2019), Reducing mine water use in arid areas through the use of a byproduct road dust suppressant, Journal of Cleaner Production, DOI: 10.1016/J.JCLEPRO.2019.05.088, 230, pp. 46-45.
- González A.*, Valderrama, J., Norambuena-Contreras J. (2019), Microwave crack healing on conventional and modified asphalt mixtures with different additives: an experimental approach, Road Materials and Pavement Design. DOI:10.1080/14680629.2019.1587493
- López C., González A.*, Thenoux G., Sandoval G. and Marcobal J. (2019), Stabilized emulsions to produce warm asphalt mixtures with reclaimed asphalt pavements, Journal of Cleaner Production, 209, pp. 1461-1472.
- Norambuena-Contreras J.*, González A., Concha J., González-Torre, I., Schlangen E. (2018), Effect of metallic waste addition on the electrical, thermophysical and microwave crack-healing properties of asphalt mixtures, accepted for publication in Construction and Building Materials, 187, pp. 1039-1050.
- González A.*, Chamorro A., Barrios I., Osorio A. (2018), Characterization of unbound and stabilized granular materials sing field strains in low volume roads, Construction and Building Materials, 176, pp. 333-343.
- González A.*, Norambuena-Contreras J., Storey L., Schlangen E. (2018), Self-healing properties of recycled asphalt mixtures containing metal waste: An approach through microwave radiation heating, Journal of Environmental Management, 214, pp. 242-251.
- González A.*, Norambuena-Contreras J., Storey L., Schlangen E. (2018), Effect of RAP and fibers addition on asphalt mixtures with self-healing properties gained by microwave radiation heating, Construction and Building Materials, 159, pp. 164-174.
- Norambuena-Contreras J.*, Serpell R., Valdés G., González A., Schlangen E. (2016), Effect of fibres adition on the mechanical properties of self-healing asphalt mixtures, Construction and Building Materials, 127, pp. 369-382.
- González A.*, Thenoux G., Paniagua F., López C. (2016), Evaluation of additional laboratory tests for the design of foamed bitumen mixtures, Transportation Research Record 2573, Transportation Research Board, pp. 40-48.
- González A.*, Paniagua F., Chamorro A. Skid resistance of hexahydrated magnesium chloride roads (2015) Transportation Research Record 2473, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, pp. 155-163. [ISI].
- González A.*, Jameson G., De Carteret R. and Yeo, R. (2013), Laboratory fatigue life of cemented materials in Australia, Road Materials and Pavement Design, Volume 14, Issue 3, 2013, pp. 518-536. [ISI].
- Halles F.*, Thenoux G., González A., Stiffness evolution of granular materials stabilized with foamed bitumen and cement, Transportation Research Record 2363, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, pp. 105-112. [ISI].
- Rodríguez M.*, Thenoux G., González A., Evolución probabilística del agrietamiento de pavimentos asfálticos en carreteras de Chile, Revista de la Construcción, Volumen 12 N°2 2013. [ISI].
- González A.*, Cubrinovski M., Pidwerbesky B., Alabaster A., Elastic strains, modulus and permanent deformation of foamed bitumen pavements in accelerated testing facility, Road and Transport Research Journal, Volume 21, No. 3, pp. 64-76, 2012. [ISI].
- González A.*, Cubrinovski M., Alabaster A., Thenoux G., Interpretation of Laboratory and Full-Scale Testing of New Zealand Foamed Bitumen Pavements using Finite Element Modeling, Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design, Volume 13, Issue 4, pp. 578-598, 2012. [ISI].
- González, A.*, Cubrinovski, M., Pidwerbesky, B. and Alabaster, D. (2011) Strength and Deformational Characteristics of Foamed Bitumen Mixes under Suboptimal Conditions. In Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 137, No.1, pp. 1-10. [ISI].
- González, A.*, Cubrinovski, M., Pidwerbesky, B. and Alabaster, D. (2009) Full scale experiment on foamed bitumen pavements in CAPTIF accelerated testing facility. In Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2094, pp. 21-29, Washington DC, USA. [ISI].
- González, A.*, Saleh, M. and Ali, A. (2007) Evaluating nonlinear elastic models for unbound granular materials in accelerated testing facility. Transportation Research Record, No. 1990, pp. 141-149, Washington DC, USA. [ISI].
- Thenoux, G.*, González, A., and R. Dowling (2006). Energy consumption comparison for different asphalt pavements rehabilitation techniques used in Chile. In Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Vol. 49, Issue 4, pp. 325-339, Elsevier, Netherlands. [ISI].
- Thenoux, G.*, González, A., & Halles, F. (2003). Chilean Structural Design Guide For Low-Volume Roads. Transportation Research Record, No. 1819, p. 306-313. Washington DC, USA. [ISI]
- Rodríguez M.*, Thenoux G., González A., Determinación probabilística del tiempo de servicio de estructuras de pavimentos, Revista Ingeniería de Construcción, Volumen 31 N°1 2016 [SCOPUS].
- Gonzalez A.*, Cubrinovski, M., Pidwerbesky B. y Alabaster, D., Desempeño de pavimentos estabilizados con asfalto espumado en una prueba de pavimentos a escala real y carga acelerada, Revista de Ingeniería en Construcción UC, Agosto 2012, Vol. 27, N° 2, pp. 5-17. [SCIELO].
- Delgadillo, C.* Wahr, G. García y González A. Asphalt Technology in Chile, Leading Research and Practice. Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, vol. 81, pp.775-795, 2012. [SCOPUS].
- Gonzalez, A.*, Cubrinovski, M., Pidwerbesky, B. And Alabaster, D. (2012). Desempeño de pavimentos estabilizados con asfalto espumado en una prueba de pavimentos a escala real y carga acelerada. Publicado en Revista Ingeniería de Construcción (RIC), Chile, Vol. 27, N 2, 2004, pp. 5-17. [SCIELO].
- Thenoux, G.*, González, A., and M. González (2004). Estudio, diseño y evaluación económica de la técnica Rubblizing en pavimentos de hormigón mediante vibración resonante. Publicado en Revista Ingeniería de Construcción (RIC), Chile, Vol. 19, N 3, 2004, pp. 149-146. [SCIELO].
- Thenoux, G.*, Gonzalez, A., and A. Jamet (2003). Aspectos constructivos del primer proyecto de reciclado in situ utilizando asfalto espumado. Publicado en Revista Ingeniería de Construcción, Departamento de Ingeniería de Construcción, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Vol. 18, Nº 3, Septiembre – Diciembre 2003. [SCIELO].
- González A., Valderrama, J., Norambuena-Contreras J. (2020), Microwave Crack-Healing Capability on Asphalt Mixtures with Silicon Carbide, oral presentation and proceedings of ISBM Lyon 2020, RILEM, Lyon, France, December 2020.
- González A., Valderrama, J., Norambuena-Contreras J. (2019), Microwave crack healing on conventional and modified asphalt mixtures with different additives: an experimental approach, oral presentation in the Eighth European Asphalt Technology Association Confernece, Granada, Spain, 25-29 November 2019.
- González A., Storey L., Norambuena-Contreras J., Schlangen (2018) Pavimentos asfálticos autorreparables con materiales reciclados mediante calentamiento por microondas. Arica, Chile. 6-10 agosto 2018 [Presentación Oral].
- González A., Parraguez A., Corvalán L., Correa N., Schliebs E., Stukrath C. (2018) Hormigón autorreparable con bacterias para la infraestructura vial. Arica, Chile. 6-10 agosto 2018 [Presentación Oral].
- González A., Norambuena-Contreras J., Storey L., Schlangen E. (2018), Crack–healing variability of asphalt mixtures with RAP and steel wool fibers by the action of external microwave heating. International Society for Asphalt Pavements, Fortaleza, Brazil, 19-21 june 2018 [Presentación Oral].
- González A. (2016) Materiales alternativos para construcción de carreteras no pavimentadas, Seminario Internacional sobre Ingeniería de Carreteras No Pavimentadas, Medellín, Colombia. 25-26 octubre 2016 [Presentación Oral].
- González A. (2016) Métodos constructivos para estabilización de carreteras no pavimentadas. Medellín, Colombia. 25-26 octubre 2016 [Presentación Oral].
- González A. (2016) Evaluación estructural de terreno y laboratorio para suelos arcillosos estabilizados químicamente, Segundo Congreso Paraguayo de Vialidad y Tránsito, Encarnación, Paraguay. 6-7 octubre 2016 [Presentación Oral].
- Grünwald E., González A., Comportamiento mecánico de laboratorio para suelos estabilizados químicamente, PROVIAL 2016, agosto 2016, Valparaíso, Chile. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- Moya H., González A., Caracterización estructural de suelos estabilizados químicamente mediante deflectometría de impacto, PROVIAL 2016, agosto 2016, Valparaíso, Chile. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- González A., Aitken D. Disminución del consumo de agua en el mantenimiento de caminos mineros mediante uso de cloruro de magnesio hexahidratado como supresor de polvo. PROVIAL 2016, agosto 2016, Valparaíso, Chile. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- González A., Thenoux G., Paniagua F., López C. Evaluation of additional laboratory tests for the design of foamed bitumen mixtures. Accepted for presentation in the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 2016, Washington DC.
- González A., Paniagua F., Chamorro A. Skid resistance of hexahydrated magnesium chloride roads. Accepted for presentation in the TRB Low Volume Roads Conference, Pittsburgh, 12-15 July 2015. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- González A., Neira, H. Monitoreo remoto de caminos básicos con sensores. Accepted for presentation in the first Intenational Conference in asphalt and concrete pavements, Santiago, Chile, 26-28 May 2015. [Oral Presentation].
- González A., Paniagua F., Chamorro A., Montes, N. Estudio de Frenado en Caminos con Bischofita. PROVIAL 2014, 20-24 octubre 2014, Valdivia, Chile. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- González A., Paniagua F., Thenoux G., Lopez C. Effect of foamed bitumen content in laboratory tests. Proceedings of the 26th ARRB Conference, Sydney, 19-22 October 2014. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- Bodin D., González A., Jameson G., Moffat M., Oeser M., APADS: Finite Element Method Software for Enhanced Pavement Analysis Including Nonlinear Behaviour of Granular Materials. Proceedings of the 26th ARRB Conference, Sydney, 19-22 October 2014. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- González A., Ovalle JT., Developments of Hexahydrated Magnesium Chloride in Unpaved Roads. Proceedings of the 26th ARRB Conference, Sydney, 19-22 October 2014. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- Paniagua, P., González, A., Thenoux, G. and Lopez, C. (2013). Estudio en laboratorio sobre mezclas de pavimentos asfálticos reciclados con asfalto espumado y cemento, XVII Congreso Ibero-latinoamericano del asfalto 2013, 17-22 Noviembre 2013, Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- Halles, F., Thenoux, G., González, A. (2013). Evaluación de la rigidez a largo plazo de mezclas estabilizadas con asfalto espumado y cemento, XVII Congreso Ibero-latinoamericano del asfalto 2013, 17-22 Noviembre 2013, Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- González, A., Jameson, G. y Thenoux, G. (2012). Análisis de métodos de diseño estructural para pavimentos reciclados con asfalto espumado, PROVIAL 2012, 8-11 octubre 2012, Santiago, Chile. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- Halles, F., Thenoux, G., González, A. (2012). Uso de sensores para la validación del estado de tensiones en la estructura de pavimentos, PROVIAL 2012, 8-11 octubre 2012, Santiago, Chile. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- González, A., Oeser, M., Jameson, G. and Bodin, D. (2012). Desarrollo y validación de un programa de elementos finitos para el diseño y análisis de pavimentos granulares, PROVIAL 2012, 8-11 octubre 2012, Santiago, Chile. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- Rodríguez, MA., Thenoux, G., González, A. (2012). Simulación estocástica del modelo de agrietamiento HDM-4 para carreteras chilenas, PROVIAL 2012, 8-11 octubre 2012, Santiago, Chile. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- Halles, F., Thenoux, G., González, A. (2012). Evolución de la rigidez de los materiales granulares estabilizados con asfalto espumado, PROVIAL 2012, 8-11 octubre 2012, Santiago, Chile. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- González, A., Cubrinovski, M., Pidwerbesky, B. And Alabaster, D. (2012). Elastic strains, modulus and permanent deformation of foamed bitumen pavements in accelerated testing facility, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 22-26, Washington, D.C. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- González, A., Cubrinovski, M., Pidwerbesky, B. And Alabaster, D. (2011). Performance of foamed bitumen pavements in accelerated testing facility, 8th International Conference on Managing Pavement Assets (ICMPA), 15-19 November 2011, Santiago, Chile. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- González, A., Halles, F.and Thenoux, G. (2011). Estudio experimental sobre los efectos del contenido de asfalto espumado y cemento en mezclas recicladas o estabilizadas en frío, XVI Congreso Ibero-Latinoamericano del Asfalto (CILA), 20-25 Noviembre 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- Gonzalez, A., Cubrinovski, M., Pidwerbesky, B. And Alabaster, D. (2009). Performance, strength and deformational characteristics of foam bitumen pavements. 13th Australian Asphalt Pavement Association (AAPA) International Flexible Pavements Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, October 2009. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- González, A., Cubrinovski, M., Pidwerbesky, B. And Alabaster, D. (2009). Full scale experiment on foamed bitumen pavements in CAPTIF accelerated testing facility. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 2009, Washington DC, USA. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- González, A., Saleh, M. and Ali, A. (2007). Evaluating nonlinear elastic models for unbound granular materials in accelerated testing facility. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 2007, Washington DC, USA. [Presentación Oral y Proceedings].
- Alabaster, D. & González, A. (2008). The design of stabilised pavements in New Zealand. Third International Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing. Madrid, Spain. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- Werkmeister, S., González, A., Hayward, B. and Alabaster, D. (2007). 3D Finite elements elastic analysis of accelerated pavement test results from New Zealand’s CAPTIF Facility. Conference of Advanced Characterization of Pavement and Soil Engineering Materials, Athens, Greece, 20-22 Jun 2007. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- Thenoux, G., González, A., and R. Dowling (2005). Energy consumption comparison for different asphalt pavements rehabilitation techniques used in Chile. International symposium on pavement recycling. Sao Paulo, Brazil. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- Thenoux, G., Kirk, P., González, A. and Gonzalez, M. (2005). Rubblizing concrete pavements using resonant vibration technology. International symposium on pavement recycling. Sao Paulo, Brazil. [Oral Presentation and Proceedings].
- González, A., Bodin, D., Jameson, G., Oeser, M. and Vuong, B (2012). Development of a nonlinear finite element pavement response to load model, AUSTROADS, AP-T199-12 Report, Sydney, Australia.
- González, A., (2011). Review of structural design procedures for foamed bitumen pavements, AUSTROADS, AP-T188-11 Report, Sydney, Australia.
- González, A., de Carterier, R. (2010). Cost effective structural treatments for rural highways: cemented materials, AUSTROADS, AP-T168-10 Report, Sydney, Australia
- Alabaster D., Patrick J., Arapamoorthy H., González, A. (2013). The design of stabilised pavements in New Zealand, New Zealand Transport Agency Research Report 498, Wellington, New Zealand.
- Thenoux, G., González, A., Halles, F. (2003). Guía para el diseño estructural pavimentos de bajo tránsito, Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Chile.